23 Oct, 2017

My Life in a Four-poster Bed

2018-08-04T00:54:26+00:00October 23rd, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|

I woke up this morning in my great-grandmother’s bed. It wasn’t the first time. The massive four-poster mahogany bed with a yellow silken sunburst canopy was given to me when I was sixteen, over sixty years ago. It came with my mother’s stories of growing up at Elmwood, her family [...]

8 Apr, 2017

The Zumba Class

2017-04-08T13:52:00+00:00April 8th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|

(This poem is written in honor of Toni Small, the exceptional, extraordinary Zumba teacher and all of her adoring fans in Tenants Harbor, Maine) In the Zumba classI choose my spot, my special placein the front row, on the very end.From there I can seeonly the leader, as she dancesto the [...]

2 Sep, 2014

Looking to Art for Inner Strength

2014-09-02T21:20:21+00:00September 2nd, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|

From my childhood in Memphis, I loved art and music and theater. I remember visits to the Brooks Museum to see the Kress collection of Renaissance art. Saturday mornings I listened to “Let’s Pretend” on the radio and on Monday nights the “Lux Radio Theater.” My parents took me to [...]

26 Aug, 2014

Thoughts about Emails

2014-08-26T13:23:41+00:00August 26th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|

Thoughts about Emails It is said that 80% of all emails are written by women. That’s not so surprising granted the fact that women are widely considered better communicators. What really interests me today is not the individual communiqués from friends, but the barrage of forwarded mass-mailed emails, mostly from [...]

17 Aug, 2014

Poetry Event in Tenants Harbor, Maine

2014-08-17T21:11:00+00:00August 17th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|

The Tenants Harbor poets held their 18th annual event at the Odd Fellows Hall on Friday, August 15th. A diverse group of four regulars and two guest poets read a compelling combination of funny, poignant, classic and maverick poems. Stuart Bicknell played his guitar between the readings for an audience [...]