
Nagasaki, the atomic bomb and the radiated pig that haunts me

Obama’s historic visit to Hiroshima brings back postwar memories of a living reminder of the power of the bomb

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The Italian Job

Emilio Pucci chose a tall, willowy, blonde American art-history student as his special model one winter in Florence. Many years later, Alice Bingham Gorman remembers seeing Italy’s master of color once again and the profound feelings that were reawakened.

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The Love List

Was it a coincidence or magic? She wrote 100 things she wanted in a man, buried the list in a closet. And then, oddly enough, a man who matched the list almost exactly strolled into Alice Gorman’s life.

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Witnessing History in Cuba

Timing, they say, is everything. That was certainly true on my trip to Cuba in December 2014. The trip was planned well in advance as a shared musical, educational, travel experience for me and my grandson Daniel after his graduation from college. Neither of us had any expectations that the winds of historic political change between the United States and Cuba were about to blow.

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Short Stories

Spade Work

“Spade Work” is a couple’s story set in Atlanta, Georgia, in the 1970’s, a vignette of how difficult it was to talk about and deal with depression in those days. Ultimately the illness forced the wife—the one who expected life to be perfect—to face her part of the imperfection of the marriage.

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Southern Cross

“Southern Cross” has been brewing in my mind throughout all the years of living away from the South.  It is my bitter/sweet love song, my longing and my anguish over all that I left behind. The title is both a reference to the stars and to the dilemma of leaving.

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